Smart lighting
Automated outdoor lighting control system — Unilight AOLCS — is a hardware-software system that is used for monitoring the outdoor lighting network condition, power metering and equipment diagnostics. Using this system makes city lighting easy to manage, cost- effective and quick controllable.
Download leafletSystem capability
- Lighting modes adaptive management
- Phase control of the lines
- Selective lighting management
- Individual or group dimming
- Automatic monitoring and diagnostics of equipment and lighting
- Management’s responsiveness improvement
- Remote power metering
- Lighting network malfunctions alarm
- Unauthorised power connections alarm
- Database creation, drawing up reports on energy consumption

Application in energy
service contracts

Increase the service
life of equipment

operating costs

The reduction
of electricity consumption

Individual control
Maximum flexible dimming of lamps (reducing the brightness at night) — saving up to 50% of energy.
Getting feedback from each fixture.
Flexible regulation of lighting depending on the schedule of burning, urban areas, and traffic transport.
Maximum flexible dimming of lamps (reducing the brightness at night) — saving up to 50% of energy.
Getting feedback from each fixture.
Flexible regulation of lighting depending on the schedule of burning, urban areas, and traffic transport.

Single window mode
A single situation center makes it possible to control and monitor the lighting network within a single system, as well as quickly respond to malfunctions.

The system can be used with lamps of different types (LED, DNAT) and many manufacturers.

Reliability and maintainability
The system can be used with lamps of different types (LED, DNAT) and many manufacturers.

Despite the maximum possible functionality and the most modern technological standards implemented in AOLCS, the system is one of the most budget-friendly solutions on the market, which allows it to be successfully applied in energy service contracts without creating an excessive investment burden on the project.
Despite the maximum possible functionality and the most modern technological standards implemented in AOLCS, the system is one of the most budget-friendly solutions on the market, which allows it to be successfully applied in energy service contracts without creating an excessive investment burden on the project.

System flexibility
The uniqueness of the platform allows the city to additionally implement a whole package of services in the field of «Smart city» and the Internet of things within one information system.

Individual approach
Possibility to refine the system taking into account the specifics of the project and individual requirements of the customer